Monday, July 6, 2009

So much to write, so little time to do it.

As anticipated, the work hurricane came in like a fury THURSDAY AFTERNOON, just as I was about to leave for a long, enjoyable weekend in West Virginia – more on that later. When I forced myself back here this morning, its whirling vertex had picked up additional mayhem in my absence, and this is the first time all day I have had a chance to not think about work for just a few minutes.

So for a few quick Monday afternoon thoughts before I get back to writing about historic buildings on K Street:

  1. It gets harder and harder to dive back into the hectic, rude, harsh city/corporate life every time I am in West Virginia for a while. The pace is much more relaxed and people are just nicer there, and don’t fancy themselves more important than they actually are. It is a great break from reality. But I needed another day or two.
  2. Consuming copious amounts of hot dogs, pepperoni rolls, Mr. Bee Potato Chips, and beer makes for an unhappy digestive tract. I remember when I called that a pre-dinner snack. Ahh, the good old days.
  3. What a Fantastic match yesterday! Roddick played the game of his life, but Federer pulled through, like the greatest tennis player of all time that he is. As a result of the marathon match, we did not get out of Jacksonburg until after 2:00 and got to sit in some wonderful traffic on the way home, stretching our 4 hour trip to 7 hours. Luckily, that time was spent with wonderful friends and the Rock Star Name Game, so it was not nearly as bad as it would otherwise have been.
  4. Don’t complain to me about events that are completely in your power to change (wildly unrelated, yes, but needed to get it off my chest).
  5. Sarah Palin can suck my proverbial balls. Can’t WAIT until her 15 minutes are up. Seriously, “only quitters go with the flow, and I am not a quitter. So therefore, I quit”???? I think she might ACTUALLY be loony.
  6. I love my dog, I love Max, and they got on so well, as did “Tripod”, the old three-legged beagle who made her way to the farm and planted her butt on the front porch and made herself at home. What a sweetheart!
  7. I need to take three day computing breaks more often. It is good for my sanity.

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