Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Here I go again, posting my whole life on the internets.

Hectic day. Again. I do not know if this is due to the nature of my job, or the nature of a modern workplace, but I seem to have these days – heck, weeks - where I am completely swamped all day, yet have nothing to show for it. If I am away from my computer for more than five minutes, when I come back I have eight emails and multiple voice mails that need my immediate attention. It is, quite frankly, annoying.

We went to lunch at the Mount Vernon Stable to celebrate a coworker’s retirement after 50-some odd years in the engineering industry, and when I got back it was obvious that my boss was a little unhappy I was gone. On my lunch break. To celebrate a coworker’s retirement. Ugh.

Sometimes I struggle not to get caught up in all the mayhem of the workplace. I know I am over-reactive by nature, get very cranky when stressed, and feed off others’ panic and stress. But I have made a concerted effort the past couple of years not to let that happen. I usually fail miserably.

When it gets right down to it, I just don’t care that much about it all. I think the people here who are SO into their work that it affects their health, or their decisions to cancel vacations, or sacrifice their quality of lives with their families just have a different set of priorities than me. And I do not have such a high opinion of myself that I think the place will fall apart without me. Because it would not. The company would survive. And that is true of ANY employee here, even though many of them will swear otherwise, and I think they place their self-worth on that fact.

I do not love my work. I do my work to be able to do the things I love. And maybe that is not the right perspective to have on life. I dunno, maybe I should be actively trying to find that “calling”... but I do not really think I have one. At least not a practical, realistic one. CLEARLY, THIS STINKING BLOG IS NOT SUPPORTING ME YET. Come on! Where is my following? My mass advertising? Where is my ranking in Forbes Most Powerful Women in Media? Oh the hell!

Listening: Rush Limbaugh on previously mentioned retiring coworker’s radio in his office. What a doofus majorus (Rush, not the coworker. But he WAS listening to him, so....). I think I need a hot, steamy shower of NPR to cleanse my sullied soul.

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