Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oink Oink! (on so many levels)

Things may start to get a bit hectic here in engineering land. As of today, we are starting on a two month, fast-track project to design and develop an environmental document for the reconstruction of K Street in Washington, D.C., including streetscaping - prettying the place up with trees, fancy curbs, etc. – and construction of a dedicated bus rapid transitway (BRT) down the middle of the street. It is such a quick turnaround because DC Department of Transportation is trying to qualify the project for the second round of Obama’s “shovel-ready” money, and the environmental document has to be approved in order to qualify for that pot of dough.

For those of you who aren’t as much a political junky as yours truly, K Street is lobbyists’ row; the street where all the high-powered string pullers, soulless hacks, and money men are headquartered due to its proximity to the White House and all of the Congressmen and Senators. I am going to be working on a project to make their street prettier. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig. Or bulldog.

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