Saturday, June 13, 2009

Oh Inspiration, you beguiling devil!

So I just watched the movie ‘Revolutionary Road’ with Kate Winslet and Leonardo DeCaprio. It was an excellent film, but more than the story, the acting, the directing, etc., the one thing I came away obsessed with was the furniture the set designers used to create the Wheeler’s home. It was gorgeous authentic 50’s furniture in subdued colors like grey and taupe. I was actually inspired by some of the fabric, paint choices, and silhouettes.

The fact that the Wheeler’s home was supposed to indicate a sort of strangled suburban existence of settling and dreams lost --- I’m not sure what that says about my absolute adoration of it. Or of me. But I don’t care! I want those end tables and now have an idea to reupholster my headboard. I want to repaint our bedroom and paper a wall. Oh the projects! Ryan will be SO glad when he hears this.

Lots more to catch up on; last night’s show, my adventures with an Arbutian, but no time now. I’ve got to start combing the internets for wallpaper and Danish teak furniture.


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