Friday, August 22, 2008


Okay, just one more day, and I am trying to keep myself busy here at work so that the day goes quickly. This is difficult, as I'm low on work, waiting for others to get me info, software, files, etc... which makes the day drag on and on.

Here's a snapshot from the webcam of the nuppies on their last day of togetherness. Tomorrow they all go to their new homes.

Kinda sad isn't it? They're cute together, sleeping on top of one another. I'm sure tomorrow night seven homes will be getting little sleep as the little guys get used to sleeping alone. But they'll quickly adjust. Banjo or Ringo or whatever-his-name-is-going-to-be has a cozy crate set up in our room that will be his little safe cat-free haven.

I'm going to make one last purchase at lunch today. Going to Chow Baby in Hampden (local uber-yuppy pet store) to get a few treats to help with training and name recognition (that is, when we come up with one). I've been reading Jon Katz's book "Life with Dogs", and he had some good common sense ideas for training. Not a training "philosophy", per se, like Cesar, his is more a mish-mash of ideas that worked for him. Jon Katz is a favorite author of mine, and his blog,, is a daily must for me. Katz mentioned using treats as a way to quicken name recognition and eye contact, and it seems like a no-brainer. I respond to food, so I'm sure my dog will too!

Our breeders, Bob and Joan, feed their dogs raw food, and are sending some home with us. We're going to try to continue feeding raw. Not because I have this notion that it's better for the dog, or more natural, or blah blah blah. My motives are purely selfish: I dislike poop and feeding raw cuts the number and amout of poop approximately in half. My friend and coworker Justin switched to raw after his rescue dog started experiencing stomach problems and major diaherrea, and he raves about it. The cost is comparable to quality dog food. So we'll see how it goes.... I'll keep you (all 2 of you) posted.

Anyway, Chow Baby sells the type of raw food Justin uses, so I'm going to swing by at lunch and pick up some little treats to have handy for training.

Okay, back to work. I'll post lots of pictures tomorrow evening when we get back!

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