Monday, August 25, 2008


Sorry for the delay in posting, it was a hectic Saturday and Sunday! I thought I would have time to sneak off for a few minutes and post some pictures and tales, but we were just too absorbed!

So Rusty -- that's his name, he's totally a Rusty -- came home with us on Saturday afternoon, and has been wonderful! He slept in his crate in the car, had has few accidents in the house (and a couple were our fault), and only cried a little while for the past two nights in his crate.

Here's Rusty at his first truck stop in Elkton. He was not a fan of the loud trucks.

He's such a noble guy, with a great face and sad eyes. Within 5 or 6 hours, he realized that Ryan and I were his new pack and completely attached to us; wanting to be with one of us all all times, and if one of us was away for a while, he wondered where we were. He's very calm and reserved -- indicative of the breed -- and already knows his name and to sit.

Here are Rusty and Ryan relaxing after a hard day's travelling:

Russ likes to lay on the floor by the couch or under the dining room table, where he can feel the air conditioning and touch our feet.

Unfortunately, I'm at back at work today, while Ryan took the day off to hang with the dog. I'm jealous. Of course, the fact that Ryan works from home means that he gets to be with him way more than me. That's great for the dog, because he won't be confined to his pen that often, and allows us to not feel guilty for crating him for social activities. We definitely don't want to be the kind of puppy owners who stop having a social life!
I'll give more details about our first weekend, including fluffy's reactions, a little later. I need to do some actual work now!

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